Raya mood is in the air.
Today, everybody is in a Raya mood. It seems people smiles and joke a lot in the past few days. Maybe it's because Raya mood is in the air. A few of the staffs here has already cuti and some are waiting foward to cuti (like yours truly here).
More good news... my housing loan has been approved by AmBank. Monthly payment is RM2112. So just waiting for my signature only. I've already paid the balance of my deposit yesterday. So total deposit is RM9716.64. I need to prepare another RM8k for the stamp fees and legal fees.
More good news... Today received a call from AS. Somebody is inquiring about my house. I told him that my final offer is RM180k. Taking into consideration that I've make some renovation to the bathroom and the grills, I think it's a good buy. The only reason that I need to sell is since I'm buying a house here, so monthly is a bit tight. So with the disposal of the house, I can breath a bit lah.
Yesterday buka puasa is OK laa. But noticed about 4 tables are empty. These assholes who has confirmed attending but did not turn up should be penalised. Imaging all the food that has gone to waste! Syok-syok kata nak attend, tapi cilok. After dinner went out for teh tarik with Fendi & Shukor. Arrived home around 12.30am.
My Raya holiday starts tomorrow. I won't be blogging until 8 Nov. Selamat Hari Raya sumua. Maaf Z&B laa no. Ciao.