Friday, October 28, 2005

Raya mood is in the air.

Today, everybody is in a Raya mood. It seems people smiles and joke a lot in the past few days. Maybe it's because Raya mood is in the air. A few of the staffs here has already cuti and some are waiting foward to cuti (like yours truly here).

More good news... my housing loan has been approved by AmBank. Monthly payment is RM2112. So just waiting for my signature only. I've already paid the balance of my deposit yesterday. So total deposit is RM9716.64. I need to prepare another RM8k for the stamp fees and legal fees.

More good news... Today received a call from AS. Somebody is inquiring about my house. I told him that my final offer is RM180k. Taking into consideration that I've make some renovation to the bathroom and the grills, I think it's a good buy. The only reason that I need to sell is since I'm buying a house here, so monthly is a bit tight. So with the disposal of the house, I can breath a bit lah.

Yesterday buka puasa is OK laa. But noticed about 4 tables are empty. These assholes who has confirmed attending but did not turn up should be penalised. Imaging all the food that has gone to waste! Syok-syok kata nak attend, tapi cilok. After dinner went out for teh tarik with Fendi & Shukor. Arrived home around 12.30am.

My Raya holiday starts tomorrow. I won't be blogging until 8 Nov. Selamat Hari Raya sumua. Maaf Z&B laa no. Ciao.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Of banjir and buka puasa happening.

SA banjir big time last night. Luckily the water did not go into the house but only at the porch. Still I've made a wrong decision when I decided to use NKVE going home. Ended up, I arrived around 7.30pm completely missed my buka puasa time. So all in all, I've spend almost 2 hours on the road. I was told later that the water under the overhead bridge at Bukit Jelutong intersection were around 2.5 meter deep. Wahlau eh.. So I took the KLIA interchange and make a U turn at USJ toll. Hell, even ARA park his car at my house entrance because his road was completely submerged.

Yesterday also I've skipped CST buka puasa. I feel that I'm being left out because there was no invitation received. Eventhough I've heard from ARA that they called around 5.00pm to confirm attendance but I think they should call earlier to ensure that the invitation card reached me. A bit hurt by what has happened. Heard from ARI that not many people attended. Ex-CST noted were HIH, Tina & NAMH. Even ARA didn't attend. But if they were to invite me, I'll definitely will attend.

Latest news at SESB. ARI will be replacing JGR soon. He called earlier today for a chit-chat, then asked for JGR secretary's number. Heard from ARA that he's made an appointment to see JGR at 3.00 this afternoon. Welcome aboard mate. Itu aci next time hopefully tak boleh cakap banyak laa. Ciao.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Dealing with Govt. Dept. & bodoh sombong people

Came back from BHEP today. The issue I mentioned the other day finally settled with SinoHydro were slapped with RM200 fine. Kacang putih laa to them. But let me tell you, dealing with govt. dept. people especially people with authority is a delicate matter. We need to first understand their character and adapt well to it. So these 2 gentlemen from DOSH were quite furious when their need was not attended to during the inspection day. First and foremost, they complaint about squeezing into the tiny Discovery and have to endure 3 hours of bengkang-bengkok road to the site. Then they've requested to pray first before start work but was ignored by the SinoHydros. Communication is the other thing. Even I only managed to understand 60% of what has been uttered by the DPM. Let alone the DOSH Deputy Director whose English also hampeh. So ended up, I did most of the explaining and talking.

But this SinoHydro is also one kind. They've appointed a consultant to apply for all licences. but this consultant only want to make money thru training cost. That is why I call this SinoHydro "bodoh sombong". Since you don't know, ask the Malaysian on the applicable law and don't just assume that DOSH can accept the Chinese approval.

So now, after helping them with the issue, I'm now kamcheng already with them. They even belanja me expensive dinner last night. So from now on, I think I'll be accepted to Bakun already. Ciao.

Update :
On the way back from KLIA, one of my rear tyre burst. Kena paku maybe. But because I still drive the flat tyre, that tyre cannot be used anymore. So change to the spare tyre (brand new, never use what). Told ARA need to change 1 tyre back. He said we need to change it at Auto Bavaria. Co. policy. Call them up, 1 pc RM620 incl. alignment & balancing! Bloody hell... so expensive aa?? Call up kedai tayar, only cost me RM320 only. Kaneneh lah. So how?... Changed at Kedai tayar. Wahlau eh.

Face to face with THE DAM.

Monday, October 24, 2005

10 days more to go....

Today is the 20th day of puasa. So far so good. Been eating only roti for sahur. But during berbuka, belasah anything one. Today I'm off to Bintulu, then to BHEP site the next day. The 2 Dosh officer tak laa besar pangkat pun, but since Anom asked for help then went to tell D'boss some more asking for me to go, OK lah. So my flight is around 2pm. Need to leave for airport around noon.

Today also send my car for servicing. Actually there is still 3000km to go but some people told me that for BMW, if you don't send the car before it reaches the servicing mileage, the car will stop automatically and then it has to be towed to the workshop. Betui kaa? Bloody hell, can't allow that to happen especially during Raya, can I? Furthermore, already heard some noise during braking (front brakes) and my side mirror is not working anymore. Better get them fixed.

Donno whether I can blog during my stay in Bintulu or not. If not, I'll be back on Wed. We'll see.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Rest In Peace...

Received a sad SMS from my wifey today on my way to attend our company AGM. Datin Seri Endon, Pak Lah's wife passed away peacefully at 7.55am this morning at her house in Putrajaya. Although sad, it's quite expected and there're rumours floating around that she's already very late in her cancer stricken life and requested to be send home from LA. She'll be in my prayers.

Today AGM went on smoothly. What I can say is that, Tan Sri Tajuddin handled the meeting splendidly, cooly and confidently answering all questions from the public. Not that the questions are hard anyway but I'm glad everything went on without any hitch.

Received a call from Anom that DOSH is going in on 25 Nov. That means that I've to fly to Bintulu one day before and wait for them. So I'll be missing our Buka Puasa. Hopefully, I'll get invited to CST buka puasa on the 26 Nov. Donno whether I'll be invited to Sime Darby buka puasa as I heard only 10 persons per division is invited. We'll see lor.

Another sad news this evening. One of our staff here collapsed at the office and died on the way to SJMC. She's only 3 months thru her pregnancy and only 39 y.o. Hmm... donno what is the cause yet, but ARA is trying to get in touch with her husband. Wonder how the husband will react to the news. Just imagine, sending your wife to work in the morning and receiving her body later on. Sigh... just hate to be the messenger. Till next Monday. Besok cuti.......

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Arghhh.. Buying a house is hard work.

Yeah, buying a house is hard work. Now I'm running here and there to secure a loan. Problem is that all my files and documents is at Alor Setar so I've got no statement from either KWSP or the bank. In the mean time, my other car road tax & insurance is due this saturday and the grant is at Alor Setar. Now who can I get to help me? As for D, I was told that he's here in KL doing god knows what. So can't get him to help. Arghh.... I'm turning green.

Heard last nite that Nek was admitted in ASGH for pneumonia. Mum i-l is currently looking after her. Hopes she get better soon.

In front of my new house.

Monday, October 17, 2005

This house is mine !!!

Well, it's official that I've bought a house. The area is near Kayangan Height, behind Bukit Jelutong. Already given my deposit of RM2K. Balance will be given later when my loan is confirm. I think buying a house is also taking a risk. You don't know how is the neighbourhood gonna be, who is your next door neighbour, what is the racial composition etc. I've asked, and according to the developer, thére'll be a 60/40 ratio of Chinese & Malay. I think it's should be OK. The thing is now I have to prepare another RM8K for the balance of the downpayment and another RM8K for the legal fees. That's already 16K. Then what about the MRTA? Put it in the loan or pay it up? That's another RM6K. Totalling RM22K. What about furnitures, lighting, kitchen cabinets, wardrobes etc. Donno whether my saving is enough or not. Can I take some out from EPF? Hmm... we'll see.

Went to Ikea with my wifey yesterday. Walked for about 4 hours. Sampai lenguh betih. Looking it the barang is like... all you wanna to buy. If only we've got another RM30K to spend. Wahlau eh...indeed. Gus CIAO dulu.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Travelling during Ramadhan.

Somehow or rather, we muslims doesn't like to travel anywhere during Ramadhan. The thought of leaving our comfortable house and berbuka on the road whether at the airport or hotels (well, hotel is not that bad laa) is suck. Thats how I feel when I was asked to go to BHEP on the last week of Ramadhan. I'll try to finish up the work fast as I can & may stay there only 1 night. But with this government people, you would never know. Sigh.....

Received SMS late last night from ARA about DAZ father in-law demised. My condolences to Dato', datin and the family.

Donno yet whether can play golf this evening. Yes, you heard it right. Fendi & me planned to play 9 holes today after work (t-off around 5pm). By the time we finished, it should be near berbuka time already. Just nice. Dah gian sangat ni, since I'm playing well this past weeks. But SMS him yesterday to confirm, tak boleh confirm pulak. He'll inform me today. OK, CIAO first.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Posa yang ke Semilan..

Yesterday management meeting went on until very late. Finished around 6.30 pm. Everybody kelam-kabut to get home for buka puasa. Luckily the road was not jammed as everybody probably has already reached home. But people coming back to Subang Jaya some of them will berbuka in their car. Long line pass Federal Highway.

Hmm.. very interesting things popped up during the meeting yesterday. D'boss gave a comprehensive presentation about the China project to us. As for meself, I'm just like a fly on the wall, absorbing all information and trying to digest it. Always thinking how's this going to effect me in the short or the long run. With this project coming, SDB is looking for potential CEOs and CFOs to be transfered to China. Well if you ask me, Thailand is still ok laa, but China..... that's another story la beb.

Heard that DAZ & D'boss put their neck on the chopping block for this project. Why you may ask? Well, those assholes who call themselves "ahlil papan" or board members is actually very sceptical about the whole thing. They just couldn't believe that the Chinks will just give us this money making projects in a silver platter. Question like "betui kaa jumpa the right person" or "ishh, macam tak percaya aje ni" keep popping up until DAZ was really pissed off with them to a point of sikit lagi nak kurang ajar laa. Wow, I've never seen or heard DAZ being kurang ajar with an older person before. Ever so humble is he to a point that all people likes him a lot (an believe in him as well). Kalu tidak macam mana dari MD from a small tyre plant moves very fast to this post for just lest than 5 years?

Also heard that JGR will get his extension on his last day at work after D'boss appeal to DAZ & HIH. Heard that his last day is on 911, enough time for him to exercise all his esos. Gudbai.
Gua CIAO dulu.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Hari Delapan...

Sigh... Donno why laa. In the last few days, I kept thinking about my retirement day. Don't get me wrong. My retirement day is about 13 years from now. But I kept on thinking about how am I to live until I "retire"totally with all this financial commitment. I've read the book by our very own millionaire Azizi Ali about the need to save and all that. Yes, I admit that the book has really jolted me in my slumber. Now after serious thinking and calculating (speculating as well), I have this feeling that maybe I'll be in financial disaster after I retire. Maybe because of the commitment to a second house that I'm going to make also has send shivers to my spine. My head keep on rolling with what if(s). This is bad la woi. It has effected my mood, at home with my wifey and my 3 heroes and with one (hopefully a heroine) coming on the way. Quite tension you know.. Hmm, what can I do after retiring in 2018? Any ideas....? Gua CIAO dulu.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The 7th day.

Attended my first board meeting today. Can't say that I contributed much. Hell, I only said 3 words. But it was fun. Well I learned a lot actually. Now at least I know what were discussed in the board room. Well for some who is already a veterans, they can pick-up things a lot. But I WILL contribute in the next meeting, which is 3 months away.

Yesterday Anom stopped by the office back from Kuching after the discussion with DOSH. The situation with DOSH and BHEP is not good. It seems a second letter was send to Putrajaya by that "someone". So during the discussion with the new Director (which was going very well untill that letter came), the letter was produced for everybody (Anom, SHC reps, Tan) to see. In this letter, it again accused DOSH of not doing their work but simply stamped the approval without inspection. So this made DOSH people very uneasy and since the letter was sent to HQ, all approvals pertaining BHEP is now suspended. They now would like to visit the site to see the actual situation. So Anom would like me to accompany them and lead the team. Aiyaa, another bala came. But what to do. Go means we go lah. Gua CIAO dulu.

Monday, October 10, 2005

On the 6 day of puasa my perut said to me.....

Aahhh. Sixth day of puasa. What a beauty. So far so good. No setan friend has come and try to lure me with a nice nasi beriani gam during lunch time. However the chief setan has called me after my sms to him. He also said the same thing... no 'kawan' to buat jahat with, so this year maybe he'll puasa penuh. Sigh, see how much kawan can influence and play a great part in your life.

This chief setan recently went to Jakarta & Bali (before the fateful day that is) fo a business trip. They went for this international seminar bringing some of his customer for a bit of 'RnR'. He told me about having a great time over there especially able to cilok this Garuda hostess chick and bring her to Bali as well. Bloody hell. Good for him laa. Just hope that next time PLS BRING ME ALONG LAA.

Last Sat. me & wifey went to look at one house at a place called Sunway Kayangan. Looks like a good place to stay laa. Peaceful, quite and the house that we saw still available is facing the bukit. The size 22'x75' with buil-up area 1976 sq ft. Price after bumi discount RM301K. However there were only 3 units left and we need to act fast. Maybe today I'll give them the booking fee of RM2K first lah. Then we'll see how. Gua CIAO dulu.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Puasa,3rd day.

So far so good. Puasa went on very smoothly. I've no problem with the growling sound of my stomach. Cuma ngantuk je yang tak tahan.

BHEP issue has still not settled yet. The contractor call again today saying that he has made an appointment with the new DOSH Pengarah this Mon. I've said sorry I can't go because I have to finish my presentation for the MCM on Wed. I told him to contact Anom. But I heard that Anom also can't go because she has to attend the court case on that day. Mampos laa korang. Ada problem baru nak call aku. Before this couldn't be bother. Ceh, hampeh tul laa.

Received the minutes for my first Board meeting this Tuesday at WSD. Going thru the minutes, I think this directorship thing is kacang laa. Maybe I need to ask some intelligent question laa sikit. Baru gempaq beb. We'll see. Gua CIAO dulu.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

2nd Day of Ramadhan.

First day went on smoothly. At the office, I feel very sleepy to a point sometime I just doze off. SMSA and ARI came over in the afternoon. They're meeting D'boss in relation to the land situation at Jalan Tandang. In the middle of the conversation, received a call from Anom in BHEP. It seems that a new issue has cropped up regarding a letter which was allegedly send by the PM to DOSH complaining that SHC did not do any soil test before applying for the PMA. So the CF for the cranes was blocked by DOSH which deny SHC the AP the wanted for the cranes. According to the contractor that was engaged by SHC (Interia S/B), DOSH officers are fuming over this because it implicated them as not following procedures while issuing the PMA. Aiyoo... since when all govt. dept. has been following procedures aa? As long as the RM is trickling in, mana ada check or inspect punya. But actually, according to the Chinaman heading the project Mr.LC (who doesn't speak a word of English but very experience), he did not issue any letter to DOSH. So he suspect maybe on eof the Safety Officer did it because they're so frustated with SHC disregarding safety at site and thought that they owned the site. So now the witch hunt is on. But I think it's the work of the Safety Manager laa. He's been talking about poor respect of Safety by SHC people and subcontractors. Already 63 yrs old, I think dia sudah nak resign kot. So before leaving, bagi kau-kau sama dia laa. We'll see la, hor!

View of Bakun HEP from above.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

First Day Puasa.

Puasa this year is like last year. I don't plan to attend any Tarawikh prayer; well maybe except SDB & SESB Buka Puasa Function (line kena jaga jugak la woi). But I think my wifey will paster me to go. We'll see how lah.

Donno whether D'boss also puasa this year. Previous year ada laa kut, but malam-malam tanni adi jugak. So what is the point of doing all that. Hmm... maybe he knows something (or think that he knew something) that I don't. So we'll see lah hor...

Yesterday evening found out that my name was not included in the personnel movement circular. Hmm.. maybe I don't need to do work for the Kuasa anymore. Hell I've yet to start as the writing says only to coordinate, not to be responsible for it. Hmm... this is not what D'boss told me the other day. He said just like what I'm doing now at Minyak & Gas. We'll see laa. Gua CIAO dulu kay...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

One Day Before Ramadhan.

Ramadhan has been set for tomorrow. Tomorrow this time I gerenti my stomach will growl in protest to no input from the opening up there. But that's life.

Today, I've been told by the co. secretary that I've been appointed as board member of CMSB. I don't know what to feel as I'm not sure what is the function of a board member of a company. And yesterday our O&G-GH came over for a chit-chat and has indicated that probably D'boss will pull me out for SHE to head one company as there're a lot of projects now in in the pipeline and SDB tak ada capable people to handle. Wahlau eh. Macam laa terror sangat. ARA has also informed that D'boss during the last MM has informed the comm. of the appointment of him as HR for EDiv. He assumed that my appointment has been announced as well. But I doubt it laa. We'll see.

Today, there is an audit activity going on at SDO. During the meeting, the Hajj laa yang cakap banyak sekali. Auditor diam aje. But hearing what has been uttered, now I know why D'boss ada sikit reserve about him being promoted to Group 6. Tak dak substance lansung. Dia pun buat donno je kat aku, so lantak engko lah Haji. Gua CIAO dulu.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Where to go for good massage aa??

Came back from AS late last nite. Arrived at SA about 12.30am. Ass hurt like hell. Kematu dah. Actually traffic is not that bad. Managed to move at 140 kph average. All kids tido. This is the beauty of driving late nite. No noise to disturb you and your blood pressure can remain as it is. But I 've got this speed radar in the car beside me laa. Whenever I tried to speed up a bit, sure sound came out one. Haiyaa... what to do. Makan loti loh.

My house at SP/BDA is OK lah. Actually that tenant jaga rumah jugak laa. Except for the faulty float in the water tank, everything looks ok. So now I need to get it rented or sell it off. Thinking of selling it cheap. Maybe make around RM10K cukup lah. Looking at the houses yang dah naik kat belakang, fuyoo, banyak sunggoh. Donno whether boleh let go ke tak. Kalau tak boleh, then have to simpan for my masa emas laa. Maybe balik kampong selepas pencen. But then what to do after pencen aa? Aisehman, must think of something now lah. See lor.

Balik kampong aje, ada je juicy stories heard. This time it's about Bapak lynched Ady for not being sensitive enough to call Shah/Cory to enquire about their kids condition during their one week stay at hospital due to demam panas. Good for him lah. At least he can get it off his chest and jolt Ady from his slumber at the same time. And also indirectly send a message to Shah on how to deal with relatives in HMNO family. Nasib baik laa aku ada wifey yang very sensitive on this matter. Tidak kalu, hampeh jugak le aku ni. Gua CIAO dulu.