Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Where is the fountain??

Went back home yesterday evening hoping to see our new fountain under the porch. Bloody hell, there was none! Mana ni... deposit sudah bayar, air tarak sampai amacam? Wifey said she called them yesterday and they said they'll come and install today. Aiyoo..itu macam pun ada ka? Anyhow, let's see whether it's there or not today.

Bonus already in today. First thing I did was transfer 3K to wifey. This is part of her monthly allowances. Need to transfer another 1.5K soon. Also tomorrow hope to open up MSL account at Maybank Taipan. Then need to transfer about 15K in that account. Hopefully the job that we're doing at the moment ada untung sikit. This is part and parcel of learning the trade. Will have to be more involve in the day-to-day running of the business. Aah.. that remind me I still need to pay Lee another RM1,700. Before raya lah..

Ciao... :P


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