Where to go for good massage aa??
Came back from AS late last nite. Arrived at SA about 12.30am. Ass hurt like hell. Kematu dah. Actually traffic is not that bad. Managed to move at 140 kph average. All kids tido. This is the beauty of driving late nite. No noise to disturb you and your blood pressure can remain as it is. But I 've got this speed radar in the car beside me laa. Whenever I tried to speed up a bit, sure sound came out one. Haiyaa... what to do. Makan loti loh.
My house at SP/BDA is OK lah. Actually that tenant jaga rumah jugak laa. Except for the faulty float in the water tank, everything looks ok. So now I need to get it rented or sell it off. Thinking of selling it cheap. Maybe make around RM10K cukup lah. Looking at the houses yang dah naik kat belakang, fuyoo, banyak sunggoh. Donno whether boleh let go ke tak. Kalau tak boleh, then have to simpan for my masa emas laa. Maybe balik kampong selepas pencen. But then what to do after pencen aa? Aisehman, must think of something now lah. See lor.
Balik kampong aje, ada je juicy stories heard. This time it's about Bapak lynched Ady for not being sensitive enough to call Shah/Cory to enquire about their kids condition during their one week stay at hospital due to demam panas. Good for him lah. At least he can get it off his chest and jolt Ady from his slumber at the same time. And also indirectly send a message to Shah on how to deal with relatives in HMNO family. Nasib baik laa aku ada wifey yang very sensitive on this matter. Tidak kalu, hampeh jugak le aku ni. Gua CIAO dulu.
Came back from AS late last nite. Arrived at SA about 12.30am. Ass hurt like hell. Kematu dah. Actually traffic is not that bad. Managed to move at 140 kph average. All kids tido. This is the beauty of driving late nite. No noise to disturb you and your blood pressure can remain as it is. But I 've got this speed radar in the car beside me laa. Whenever I tried to speed up a bit, sure sound came out one. Haiyaa... what to do. Makan loti loh.
My house at SP/BDA is OK lah. Actually that tenant jaga rumah jugak laa. Except for the faulty float in the water tank, everything looks ok. So now I need to get it rented or sell it off. Thinking of selling it cheap. Maybe make around RM10K cukup lah. Looking at the houses yang dah naik kat belakang, fuyoo, banyak sunggoh. Donno whether boleh let go ke tak. Kalau tak boleh, then have to simpan for my masa emas laa. Maybe balik kampong selepas pencen. But then what to do after pencen aa? Aisehman, must think of something now lah. See lor.
Balik kampong aje, ada je juicy stories heard. This time it's about Bapak lynched Ady for not being sensitive enough to call Shah/Cory to enquire about their kids condition during their one week stay at hospital due to demam panas. Good for him lah. At least he can get it off his chest and jolt Ady from his slumber at the same time. And also indirectly send a message to Shah on how to deal with relatives in HMNO family. Nasib baik laa aku ada wifey yang very sensitive on this matter. Tidak kalu, hampeh jugak le aku ni. Gua CIAO dulu.
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