Thursday, September 29, 2005

Rain rain go away.....

Yestarday managed only to play 7 hole at KLGCC. Then the rain came bringing along lightning and thunder. Play was abandoned (after a longgggg siren). Played quite well if I may say so myself. 2 pars, 1 triple bogey, 1 double bogey and bogeyed the rest. Thought I would be 'bayar keliling' or santa claus as they used to say it on the green, but since play is abandoned, so does the bet.

2 flight in front of us, DST is playing with Mr.Black, RAR and Mejar. I donno la, for some reason, I thought that he must have directed the course supt. to sound the siren right after he has finished his 9. Well, all my flight mate concurred! Heh.

But this Mr. Black guy is one kan nee neh fellow la. I knew him way back in 1988 when he's just an office boy in AS. Barely passed his SPM (or maybe he didn't pass ??), this cocksucker is a smooth talker, spin doctor and semua yang sewaktu dgn nya. He has made his way up to the current managerial position. A position I think is b'cos of his ability to spin and make things happened for his boss while licking their asses at the same time. Actually, I don't give a damn about his ability, his connection with the bosses or his current position but why the hell that he's now so bongkak? I thought its only me feeling like that but I came to know that there're a few friend have started feeling the same way. The way he talked, the way he addresses you, talking cock behind your back .....etc. especially to the bosses and the DDs, really pissed me off. So from now on, I'm not going to acknowledge him anymore. What I'm going to do is just to totally ignore him. If others want to lick his ass, be my guess. But I'm preety sure you're gonna taste shit man. Gua CIAO dulu.


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