Tuesday, September 27, 2005

You're Hired......
Heard today that SDB is moving towards re-branding itself. Yesterday was it's first Steering Comm meeting chaired by TMB Corporate Director aided by the consultants (Leo Burnett. Yes, yang buat cerita Sepet tu. Tapi Yasmin tak pegi laa, machai dia je). One of its plan towards getting SDB to become a household name is to create a reality show similar to Trump's The Apprentice. But they're going to name it "Dream Job". Just picture this, DAZ together with the a few DD sat at the "board room" and they get to say/yell "You're Fired" until they get to 2 finalist where DAZ get to say/whisper "You're Hired". What a sight isn't it? Maybe I can apply to be in as well. Sure beat sitting here scratching my balls everyday.Well let me tell you that's not going to happen. I don't think DAZ will like to appear on TV (I know some DD luv to do that). Maybe they'll get HIH to do the firing and hiring. But anyway if the thing go thru, it'll be great for SDB.

Today is supposed to be the day where some additonal money will flow into our account. Well it's D-Day ladies n gents. I've checked at the ATM last night (around 10.00pm) but boh lui yet laa. So I'll check thru my maybank2u in a minute. I want to know how much actually have gone in and how much have been deducted. Donno whether cukup tak nak buat downpayment rumah + joli sikit. Kalau cukup, then boleh laa seriously start house hunting. Kalau tak cukup, JOLI LER YAK,YAK,YEA. Gua CIAO dulu.


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