Friday, September 23, 2005


I hate waiting. Just yesterday after a round of kopi at Uncle Lim with Rahim and Tina, I was thinking of buying 2 pair of socks. After selecting the pairs (Piere Cardin laa beb), walked towards the counter, what did I see???? Lines of people waiting to pay. Arghh!! Put back the socks and balik rumah laa.

That's the reason, I've been delaying in applying the new MyKad i.c. Me wife and me self twice went to JPN S'gor at Wisma Masalam. Line sampai atas bumbong beb. Gua give-up laa. I said to myself, next year lah, bayar also never mind. But then the government announce that after Dec 31, old i.c. is not valid anymore and all urusan must be with MyKad. Bloody hell, mau tak mau kena buat juga lah. So asked around and they said buat kat Putrajaya bagus. Very the tak ade orang. A bit sceptic but anyway went to JPN Putrajaya this morning before 8 am. Already told the office, I'll be back after Jumaat cos maybe I need to WAIT some more. But then..... waaa, it's practically deserted man. Only have to wait for about 10 mins before my number was called and another 5 mins for the pic shot. After that, tadaa... can go home. Come and collect the card in 3 months time or wait for the letter. Senang man. Kalau I tau, dah lama dah I buat kat Putrajaya. Way to go man. One up for D'Tun Det laa. If not b'cos of him, this thing would never has happened. Gua CIAO dulu.


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