Thursday, September 29, 2005


Donno why laa, my PC asyik do hang aje. Is it b'cos, too much blog surfing (ada ke ayat ni?). Or is it b'cos of the bloody pop up program which keep popping up while I was surfing (donno how did it passed thru my blocker??). But whatever it is, I've to switch off my PC twice already today b'cos of the hanging thing. Damn man!

Just now went with NMH to Pinggiran USJ to take a look. Urghh, bloody ugly houses. Especially at the Persiaran 1/17 (donno what phase it is, but it's blue colour). The new phase which is currently under construction, is quite nice with its beige colour (betui kaa ejaan ni? Alaa colour teh susu tu.) is very nice. I was told that only 50% of the houses has been sold b'cos customer feel that it's out of place. But actually, it's quite OK laa. Near the highway (Ebor exit) some more. What more u want, hah? Sime UEP house maa. Price btw RM 180K to 270K intermediate and RM394K corner lot. But I think aa, the UEP boys need to buck up laa. Now looks like they'll kena kau-kau punya from now on as there're no more good land to develop. The Bukit Raja project I dengar only 14% sold and the PG project is..... donno what happen also. But then. I learned something new today. If the house already been issued the CF, no more bumi discount! Hah, tiuleylomou laa. I think I'll stick with TTDI @ Shah Alam lah.


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