Wednesday, October 05, 2005

First Day Puasa.

Puasa this year is like last year. I don't plan to attend any Tarawikh prayer; well maybe except SDB & SESB Buka Puasa Function (line kena jaga jugak la woi). But I think my wifey will paster me to go. We'll see how lah.

Donno whether D'boss also puasa this year. Previous year ada laa kut, but malam-malam tanni adi jugak. So what is the point of doing all that. Hmm... maybe he knows something (or think that he knew something) that I don't. So we'll see lah hor...

Yesterday evening found out that my name was not included in the personnel movement circular. Hmm.. maybe I don't need to do work for the Kuasa anymore. Hell I've yet to start as the writing says only to coordinate, not to be responsible for it. Hmm... this is not what D'boss told me the other day. He said just like what I'm doing now at Minyak & Gas. We'll see laa. Gua CIAO dulu kay...


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