Pelan-pelan mau kasi bagus.
I've been reading a few blogs this past few months. I now understand that you can actually make money out of it and some just blogs to inform people. I blog because I've got nothing better to do in the office (he. he. he.). But I can see some bloggers has actually improve their blog from time to time. Take Uncle Lim Roket ( for an example. I like to read his because his has gave me an opportunity to listen to the other side. I find his writing quite interesting and sometime has used his argument to argue with my hardcore Umno father. Which is quite interesting because I sometime win the arguments. I also read Jeff Ooi and Mack Zul. These are a few blogs that I read regularly ( of course not to mention some other juicy blogs with juicy photos wink,wink).
Now looking at Uncle Lim's blog, it's like... Waah. So canggih one. This let me to wonder whether does he now personally maintain the blog or now he's got somebody else to write for him. I used to belittle the Umno MPs who is ignorance of the power of Internet but if Uncle Lim now use a ghost writer, I didn't want to put his under my favourite anymore.
Heard recently thet SDB will buy over 2% of CST share just to get management control. Donno whether it's true or not. We'll see lor. But the fact now SMSA was posted to CSTPJ for 2 month to help them get back on track especially on Banbury #2 issue, strengthen the rumour.
I've been reading a few blogs this past few months. I now understand that you can actually make money out of it and some just blogs to inform people. I blog because I've got nothing better to do in the office (he. he. he.). But I can see some bloggers has actually improve their blog from time to time. Take Uncle Lim Roket ( for an example. I like to read his because his has gave me an opportunity to listen to the other side. I find his writing quite interesting and sometime has used his argument to argue with my hardcore Umno father. Which is quite interesting because I sometime win the arguments. I also read Jeff Ooi and Mack Zul. These are a few blogs that I read regularly ( of course not to mention some other juicy blogs with juicy photos wink,wink).
Now looking at Uncle Lim's blog, it's like... Waah. So canggih one. This let me to wonder whether does he now personally maintain the blog or now he's got somebody else to write for him. I used to belittle the Umno MPs who is ignorance of the power of Internet but if Uncle Lim now use a ghost writer, I didn't want to put his under my favourite anymore.
Heard recently thet SDB will buy over 2% of CST share just to get management control. Donno whether it's true or not. We'll see lor. But the fact now SMSA was posted to CSTPJ for 2 month to help them get back on track especially on Banbury #2 issue, strengthen the rumour.
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