Thursday, November 10, 2005

Sewa rumah & mortgage payment

Received a call yesterday from my landlord requesting to see me to discuss about the tenacy agreement. In other word, sewa mau kasi naik la brudder. As you know, I'm paying RM950 per month for a run down house at TTDI-Jaya Shah Alam. So recently after much thinking and calculating with my sempua, I bought a house at Kayangan. Received the loan offer from AmBank today. Total loan RM281,500. Payment RM2,122 every month. Interest BLR + 0.15%,tenure 20 years. MRTA I took only for 15 yrs. Sigh, hopefully I can survive the next 20 years to say that I now stays in my own house and not a house owned by the bank.

ARI came by this morning to have a discussion with JGR before he goes off. Heard that he's going off tomorrow. Some of his staffs has arrange a farewell party for him. They came and asked me for a contribution which I declined. I don't want to give a single cent to a man who has no respect for me earlier and thought that like I owe him something. So from my heart... F**k off John.

Arrangement has been made for me to visit Pattaya next week after coming back from Melaka. I'm going to enjoy myself.. he. he. he. My parents is coming tomorrow by AirAsia. Gotto pick them up at the airport. Tomorrow also I'm scheduled to play golf with kawan-kawan. Curi tulang lagi la jawabnya. Ciao.


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