Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Cuti-cuti Melaka

Just came back from my cuti at A'Farmosa Resort, Melaka. Brought the whole jing-bang; Dad, Mum, Sis & hubby together with their 2 kids + maid, my family and my maid as well (don't leave home without them). Rented for 2 nights the bungalow for RM 400+ per night. Bungalow came equipped with private pool. Had a good time there. But unfortunately, my 2nd son fall down from the bed they were happily jumping and fractured his wrist. I have to searched for the clinic that can X'ray him. Found one at Tampin town. Other than that it's quite a good holiday. We promised to do this annually and next time will invite my brother's family along.

The whole jing-bang.

My precious.


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