Road Paved in Gold or .........
Latest news from the fat guy (AKA) beside me is that it's confirmed that we got the QP project. I was told that it is worth RM 1.2 billion. OMFG... so can I assume that this year bonus will be around 6 months? See... for a makan gaji guy, it's always about what's in it for me (WIIFM). Well, what else can I, who is the lowest paid GM in this fucking organisation, say? But rest assured that I'm not complaining. My work now is very comfortable and I don't intend to change the status that soon.
Now that the 9MP has been delivered by PokLoh, let's see whether the MoAM that DAZ mentioned in Pattaya materialized. Eventhough the groundwork has actually been layed, in which the formation of a JV company with Brunsfield has been completed, we'll see how the JV btw this SDBrunsfiled S/B and the various SEDCs will commence. With all this, D'boss will be more sibuk than ever. Wonder how his wife feels about it.
Heard on Saturday, DAZ called up HIAH regarding the appointment letter of one CFO at WSD China. Seems that ARA has already asked HIAH about the letter but was told that he'll have to sleep it thru first. Guest he has overslept and now the good Dato' is fuming mad together with D'boss. No wonder ARA ass was hauled up last Sat. to Jalan Raja Laut. Hmmm... but la kerja sikit Encik. Jangan dok jalan-jalan aje.
Today my glucose level is quite good (7.0 mmol/l). Hope it stays that way for the rest of the week. Today, I've got lunch appointment with Viv & Puteri. Nak makan Japanese pulak these old pussies. What to do... Makan la loh. Ciao
Today makan cost me RM120. Blardy hell.
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