Thursday, March 30, 2006

Sekejap Tak Jadi... Sekejap Jadi

Sigh.... the trip to AS and eventually to Hadyai is on again. Yesterday Fendi called and told me that his meeting was postponed to Monday the following week. So it seems that the trip is on again. I need to contact STI and try to fix up an appointment with GS and probably Rizl of Purchasing. If not, Wahid cannot go and no sponsorship for us in Hadyai.

Fendi and Shukor seems very excited about the trip. Not the business opportunity but the visit to dusun durian there. Probably my fault as well. After telling them all those experiences couple of years back and on my recent trip to Pattaya. Already gave them a clue about me not bringing in the durian back to my room. We'll see how lah.

Seems like my Glucose level has somewhat stabilised. Last 2 reading was at 7.7 and 8.2 mmol yeaterday. Yesterday also I've sign the new loan from AmBank. So now got to look for new MRTA provider. Donno whether Sime AF give out MRTA or not. See lah.....Ciao.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Working Hard or Working Smart

It has been one week since my last blog. A lot of things has happened since then. I was very lazy to blog since then. Hmm... wonder why the Malays are associated with Laziness. Last night had dinner with DAZ, TSTA, D'boss and a few other colleagues at SDCC Chinese Restaurant. That was after a round of golf at KLGCC to say farwell to one of the Power Board Member. Didn't play well yesterday. Probably because of the pressure playing with DAZabri. Even though he didn't say anything after your terkedu short, but I can always tell by the body language. Sigh.... how lucky I am working in this organisation. Got to play golf during working hours, can go overseas visiting etc. Thank god I'm not in operation. Pressure of performng is very great. Don't know whether I can shoulder them or not.

Last week, Shukor was held up by the police at Jitra during one roadblock. I was told it's because of an old fraud case that wasn't closed in the police database. So he's still on wanted list. He was remanded for 5 nights and was release after "suaping" the police with RM2K. Tried to borrow money from me but I managed to wiggle my way out of that. Phew.....

Our trip to AS and eventually to Haadyai was cancelled after Fendy cannot make it. So now trying to go to Genting. Shukor was given the task to supply the durians up there. So today, he's trying to fix dinner with 3 durian owners. Hopefully he's able to make it.

My blood glucose now is under control a bit. Already bought one glucometer and has already did the checking. Last reading on Saturday 25 was 7.7 mmol. Hopefully the level stays that way and I'm able to get my houseloan settled asap. Damn.... I really didn't expect that this problem will snowballed into a much bigger problem. Sigh.....Ciao dulu lah.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Sabai...Sabai...Mai Pen Lai

Came back from the Management Retreat at Pattaya last Saturday night. Well.... what more can I say about Pattaya. A few friends asked what did I do in Pattaya beside meeting. WHAT DO YOU EXPACT, YOU MORON. Eventhough Pattaya is one of the sin city for folks back home, I quite enjoyed golfing there. 1st day, we played at Khaw Kheow, a resort in the outskirt of the reserve forest. I played quite OK. Managed to steal a few pars. 2nd day played at Amata Spring. This is a very exclusive club with only members & their guest are allowed. No walk in. Fuyoo...., even their caddie also very de professional one. Cannot kacau-kacau one. Not bad as well. Played with two of my Board member TSRK & SK. Their signature hole is an island green on hole 17. Man you need to go to the green on boat man. Yes, seriously! All of us went on a short cruise about 2 mins. from the tee-box to the green ON BOAT! Kan Ne Neh lah woi. But the course is still young/new. No trees yet and very barren. On competition day, played with D'boss, TSTA & TSRK. Champion man!! Managed to get 1 birdie and 5 pars. 35 point stableford. Got TW t-shirt worth THB3000 (aound RM300). Caya lah beb.
Next month on the 27th, I've been invited to attend LCP Safety Day. Maybe another round of golf. This time maybe will play at Burapha. Heard it is a good course as well. We'll see. Ciao.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Welcome to the club.

Yeap... I'm officially now belongs to a very special elite group which is by far the biggest members in the whole world.... The Diabetic Club. Yeap, it's finally here. I was confirmed a diabetic yesterday at 2.30pm by one Dr.Mazidah of a physician and endoctrinist at SJMC. From this time onwards, I was told that my life will be turned upside down. I wish it wouldn't be this way but that's how the world work. You didn't take care of yourself properly, you'll suffer the consequences. It's a universal principle. Cause and effect. My blood test on 18 Feb showed that my Glucose are very high @ 12.2 mmol. Yesterday, it has gone down to 8.0 mmol. It is quite a significant achievement but still I need to maintain the figure if I didn't want any complications later on.

So yesterday, spend half a day at SJMC, getting counselled by a diabetic counsellor, getting briefed on my diet by a trained dietician and so on. I was given a tablet called Glucophage to help my pancreas secreted the insulin more efficiently which I may have to take my whole life. I now will have to buy an instrument that measure my glucose level on a weekly basis. The more I monitor, the better. My Glycosylated Haemoglobin (Hba1c) which actually shows the average glucose level for the past 3 months is as 12% (more than 8% shows poor control). I have to get that down before I'm qualified for my MRTA. Total cholesterol level is a bit high also at 242 mg/dl (should be below 200). LDL is 142 (optimal is <100)>40). So the ratio is 3.8 (risky if greater than 4.5).

So my next appointment is next month. So now there is a new chapter in my blog.... the glucose level. Maybe I need to look for a diabetic blog and read on how they're coping with this gift. But for now.... Ciao.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

R.I.P. Abang Lan,

Heard a sad news today before lunch. Abang Lan, husband of Kak Nona passed away at GHKL due to stomach cancer(the 'big C' they call it). Me and D'boss visited him after lunch yesterday. He looks OK, except for the pale look and the bloated belly. Kak Nona told us that the doctors gave him 4 months. But we mortals can only predict and plan, the Almighty decide. In fact after moving from AS, I've not seen Kak for the past 2 years. I did try to visit her during our annual balik kampung pilgrimmage to Pg/AS but unfortunately was unable to meet her. Last I heard that her MIL passed away recently followed by her mother. It must've been a terrible blow to her now that this has happened. But Kak Nona will always be Kak Nona. Put up a brave front in front of Abg Lan and us but we know deep down inside she's just crushed and down. I'm going to visit the family with D'boss afterwards. In rememberence, I'll sedekah the Alfatihah for him and pray that Kak will always be strong in time to come. Alfatihah......

Monday, March 06, 2006

Damn... What a week.

OMFG.....what a week. My house was flooded, went to see PGL the musical, got my salary adjustment, get to know my true friends etc. Details below :

Last Sunday (26 Mac 2006), the Damansara river swelled up and the whole TTDI Jaya were flooded. In my house, it goes up to waist deep. My furnitures were floating in my living room and so does my fridge. However, I managed to save my L-shape sofa and also my washing machine. It was a total mess. It rain the night before and by 5 am the water has already entered the house. I woke up because the electricity black-out only to find the water level at my porch was at the tire level. Immediately drove my BM out and parked them on the bridge about 1 km away. Unable to save my Kancil though. All my books and documents that was stored downstairs were completely soaked and had to be thrown out. My shoes were missing especially my Adidas golf shoes that I've bought a couple of months back and yet to be used. Luckily my golf bag was in my BM.

Managed to bring my family out by 9 am. Zarina Gulam offered her place to stay and we took the offer since she got a big house and no husband or parents living with her. So good of her. So the whole family managed to sleep comfortably that night. The next morning, Fendi and Shukor came over to help me clean the house. Zarina gave one of her maid and together with Shukor's workers (two of them), there were 7 of us doing the cleaning. Zarina's father lent her jet-spray pump, so the cleaning is easy. By 3 pm we've finished cleaning the house and putting back the sofa and other furnitures. Thank god I have some friends like this. I was a bit sad because some of my friend whom I consider close friend don't even bother to call let alone offer help, but some has called up offering sympathy. But now I know who are my "real" friends. Friend who would stick through thick and thin.

So, since I've already bought the tickets for PGL at IB, me & wifey together with wifey friend Jun and her niece went to see the theatre. It was fucking awesome man. The costumes and the stage was brilliant. the songs and the acting was superb. After the play, we stick around a bit to see the "stars". Wifey managed to take a picture with that Hang Tuah fellow, the guy from London. I was watching some of the chicks and of course Datin Seri Tiara Jac who was clinging to her hubby Datuk Effendi like a leech.

Heh....know what? Managed to get my salary adjustment after all. ARA told me last week that DAZ has already approved my adjustment proposed by D'boss of nearly 15%. Damn man. I need to buy D'boss a few jugs man.

Man.. what a week. So now my Kancil have already been repaired which cost me about RM2K. The fridge is working but still need some repair (thermostat problem). But things has come back to normal actually. Now whenever it rain, the people of TTDI Jaya will start to cringes and hoping that the river can still hold its water.

Oh ya... almost forgot. The petrol price was increased again by 30 cents effective 28 Feb 2006. Damn! Now everybody is embracing for the tidal wave of other basic things prices to go up as well. Just wait and see laa. Ciao.