Monday, February 06, 2006

I've seen the sign, oh Almighty.

This week, all my 3 heroes and myself were down with what we thought to be food poisoning. Last Thursday, I was practically sleeping in my toilet on the WC where only water came out from my bowel and nothing else. Vomiting once and totally lose my apetite, I didn't think about me last post until I came back to work this morning and continue to write. Then it dawn to me that if this is the sign that I asked the almighty to show, I sure hope to get his forgiveness ASAP before my time or any of my heroes has finally runs out.

Oh god the almighty, I humbly beg your forgiveness. Pls forgive this sinned person and guide him to your path. Insyaallah.

Today my eldest and my youngest will be admitted to SJMC suspected of typhoid. Typhoid you say, in Shah Alam??? Yeah, that is what I thought too until SJ stomach pain did not subsides and AJ still shitting. So we'll see in a couple of days. As for me, I'm doing fine now but still the bowel movement is not as normal and apetite is still not good.


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