Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Eid ul-Adha

Yesterday celebrated Raya Korban at home. Wake up late, miss the solah, well actually very lazy to go. Wifey cooked a special Bamia curry with roti jala for the ocassion. Late in the evening, visited her uncle's house in Kajang. Not so much of celebration if you ask me. But.... hey, what is there to celebrate. Both of us has not gone to Hajj yet, no parents to visit. So dudok rumah makan roti lor.

Tomorrow there'll be a Korban event at DMIB. I've taken one portion for AJ (RM300). D'boss also take one and since he didn't want to go, he's already 'wakil' me the niat part. The thing will start at 7.30am. Damn, too early man. Maybe I'll go a bit late lah. See how...Ciao.


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