Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Finally..... My Own Home

After all the lallapalooza, I finally moved into my own house last Saturday 24th June 2006. KWK generously sponsored one lorrry and 3 men and Nazri send 4 Wak Kangs. The process itself is quite smooth. I gave away quite a lot actually (1 TV, Syafiq's cabinet & study table, some other furniture etc). I'm pretty sure tha Wak Kangs is very happy on that.

This new house is quite peaceful. Because it's facing a small hill, I can see green in the morning. But the best part is it's so quiet. In the evening, you can see kids playing at the playground in front of the house. I'm thinking of buying me one good bike so that I can cycle. I'll see whether I can post some pics.


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