Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Ni Hao....Xie Xie Ni.... Wa Ai Ni

These are the three words of Mandarin that I know when D'boss asked me to accompany him to China last week. Damn, weather was terrible at the place that we went. How do I get to go? Hmm... Actually, SDB has invested quite a huge sum in a small port and a water supply company on the north-east of China. A place known as Weifang located in the province of Shandung. It is a pofitable investment. The port is the only port available for the industrial salt industry and the water are supplied to the surrounding plants and factories. It is very political as SDB is relying heavily on the mayor's influence in doing its business. The MD of the company is a guy by the name of Louis Lu who has quite a big circle of friends within the top govt. officers and decision makers in Beijing.

So when I was there, it was 0 deg daytime and minus 15 deg night time. Even the port are frozen (ref pic below).

So not much activity as the ships can't move and it is cold as hell outside. Upon arrived, we were given a feast for lunch where the rice wine and beers ran freely. By the time lunch was over, I was walking on air (if you know what I mean).

But let me tell you, doing business in China is not easy but it's also not that difficult. All you need is the right connection and the ability to understand the politics of it. If you don't understand and cannot fit in the culture, better pack up your bags and leave.

The other thing is their ladies. Damn man... so bootiful laa oi. I'v the privillage to sit and chat with some of them. Very tall, elegant and hot. Wish I could get a new girlfriend later on. Then ada some motivation laa mau pergi China. Ciao dulu weh.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Melayu Pulak Dah......

I'm amazed on how the nude squat issue has been circling around the nation and the world. First they say it was a Chinese tourist from China. The whole nation went hu..ha.. over it. Even CNN & BBC carried the news. Kesian newly wed Datuk Azmi has to go to China (together with his bootiful wife) to apologise and beg the Chinks to come back. Mai balik laa oi, kami tak buat dah aih. Mai la, mai la. The suddenly duing the public inquiry, it was revealed that the woman is not a Chinks but a Malai Kooi. Putih gebu laa sampai buleh sumua worang terkeliru. Apa semua ni....

Whatever it is, DAP got a huge publicity mileage over the matter. Teresa Kok claimed that she never said that the lady is a Chinks. The people only "assume" that it is just because DAP has forwarded the issue. Now the newspaper is selling like hot goreng chempedak, detailing each chronology together with some graphics.

Anyhow, we'll see what will happen after Friday as the commision says that they're able to conclude the investigation by then. Waa... so fast one aa?? Bagi satu bulan, complete satu minggu aje. Terror laa. Pak Lah will sure make some comments after this Asean Summit is complete and everybody bye-bye already. We'll see la hor... Ciao
That's Life

A lot of things has happened during the past week. Both of my sons has gotten ill while they were in AS. Raof who has a history of pneumonia before has an attack and was admitted to KMC. Upon checking, his blood glocose hits the roof. Most probably he's diabetic and will nedd an insulin jab 3 times a day for the rest of his life. I was still in KL when my wife call me up and crying in the phone. I feel so helpless as I can immediately go to AS. I still need to organize our Board Golf Invitation on Sat. So I have to put my faith in the Almighty and persevere. Thank god everything is quite OK now and he's under the care of a new found paeditrician, Dr. Suraya.

Dalam celah tu, my youngest Ashraf came down to a dengue fever and was immeditely warded (the same room with his brother). Luckily his platelet count was good and can be released the next day. People from MOH came over to my in-law house to fumigate the whole block. The neighbours must be cursing us for bringing in the 'bala'.

I was asked by D'boss to accompany him to China for a week from 19 Dec. Yesterday was hectic with the visa application and also with the GESC meeting at my place. Yesterday also was the last meeting for Chew Seng Choon as he's retiring. Brought along his successor to the meeting. If I manage to get the visa, the trip will be a mix feeling for me as the weather in China now is terrible (minus 10 deg) but the entertainment will be good - hopefully. I need to look for some winter clothing man. Ciao.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Hati Mau Badan Says No

During this bachelor period, I've made a lot of plans to go clubbing and what not. But after 2 night of clubbing, I think my clubbing days are numbered lah. The heart is still there but this old body says no. Coming back from RP late last night, I really feel tired and today I've yet to recover from it. So I think it's about time I put a stop to it and be a good muslim.

This Golf game with the board is really stressing me. Issues such as participant confirmation, goodies and prizes has yet to be resolved. I've already ordered and paid the caps. But bags and t-shirts is still ding-dong.

Too lazy to blog nowdays. So I'll keep them short & simple.


Monday, December 05, 2005

Arbaie Bujang Kembali

Yesterday the whole jing-bang went to AS for a week visit. I send them off to KLIA, flying Air Asia. Cost me nearly RM400 for 2 adults, 2 kid and an infant. Their grandma surely be smiling ear to ear by now. So now I'm alone in the house. Nothing to do yesterday but watching DVD and eat. Hopefully before they come back next Monday, I must see some action. If not, bujang for nothing lah.

Today, the new girl has joined SESB. She goes by the name Putri and was formerly from KN. Cun le jugak. According to ARA, she came in using a very big cable ..... D'boss. Heard from KWK that she's a married lady to a mat salleh. Maybe later we'll no more of her.

Today lunch time, nobody's around. ARA went ot HO and I call up NMH. Dia cuti la pulak, so went to lunch at thefood court alone. Boring le. Nampak nye kena cari "kawan" banyak sikit le. Ciao.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Open House Month Close

Yesterday Energy Div open house was a blast. Even though it was raining cat & dog all day, but it was a good turnout. Board member that took the trouble to come (eventhough it rain) are our Chairman Tan Sri Tajuddin, Datuk Khaty, Tan Sri Ramli, DAZ & also Sekhar. None of the other DD came...assholes! Other invited VIP guess that came are Cik Su (S'wak Hydro), Tunku Ed, PwC boss, consultants etc.The food were OK but I didn't take much because busy running around greeting friends. Friend that came are Khoo WK,Poon Comfort Art, Hasnida (UEP), Fendy & Azmi(KLGCC), JLeong, NMH and a few others.

Sat with 2 ladies who seems to be very manja with D'boss. Turnout that one is going to work at SESB next week. Putri ..... It seems that they often concregate at RP with D'boss and occasionally with KWK and Poon. No wonder Khoo seems to know them. I thought they were from SIL. A lesson for me... Never bulldoze your way thru if you dont know. Bagi salam dulu. The other one is an air stewardes for MAS. Patut laa cun semacam. That Putri is already married. She make sure everybody know when she kept on mentioning her "husband".

Today, D'boss went to Bangkok attending LCP board meeting. Meeting over the weekend?? Menebas after that kut, as DAZ is also attending. Schedule to come back only on Monday. This afternoon, nobody's around and no golf also. So maybe I'll go to the Golf Sales to look for goodies for the SESB Board golf next week. Maybe get for a me a few shirts as well. Ciao.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Good news is hard to come by

Let me tell you, nowdays good news is hard to come by. But yesterday, I heard some real good news from D'boss. He's planning to review all group 5, 6 & 7 salary. So big possibility mine will be revised as well. This come about after Dato'TPB was offered by Proton to head their S&M division. His salary ..... RM40K plus 3months assured bonus. DAZ really flipped as TPB has accepted the offer and has already send his letter in. Well Dato', this is life man. Nobody in his/her right mind will decline as you've expected. Only a few morons (like myself and a few others) will stay with you through thicks & thins. Well if this salary review do comes through, must say Thank You to TPB. Without him doing this, maybe we'll just be a 2nd class citizen in our division (1st class of course all the ex-Petronas, coming in with fat salary).

Heard also that there will be a re-shuffling of DD at SDB. Heard AAH will move to CPB and DST will only look after KLGCC & SJMC. So I pity Fendy & Azmi laa. They'll have to endure the humiliation from DST a few more years.

Hmm... with TPB out, the path is clear now for NZA to take over SUEP. But then where to put JH? Now UEP performance is not good. Heard only achieving 50% of target each month. Maybe move to TMB?

Our China project has lift off with SDB wiring the money (RM 800 mil) to PRC yesterday. D'boss has also recommended Tommy Chua from Mec. S'pore to head the project. My opinion of Tommy.... ular air jugak. During negotiation 2 night ago, he's already demanding his designation to be MD. He said in China, designation is everything to gain respect and symbolise authority. D'boss got no choice now as they desperately need somebody fast to go there as the Board has already pushing them. So with Tommy there at least they can report that it's already done.

Today is the Energy Div. open house at MRC. Invited quite a few people. We'll see la how. Ciao.