Thursday, May 25, 2006

Survival.... or ambitious.

Today manage to have breakfast with DAZ. He came over to the office to attend the Board meeting this morning. Actually I've got no plan to eat with him. I've asked ARA to joint me for b'fast but was told that DAZ is at the canteen with ARI. So suddently there was an urge to go there and joint them. I just leave ARA high & dry (hopefully ARA can understand). I donno why this urge thing kicked in. Is it b'cos wanted to be seen with DAZ or just plain 'bodek'? I've made up my mind weeks ago about trying to stay away from him as far as I can. Just doesn't want to end up like our good friend. But why is that when D'boss or DAZ is around, there was an urge to talk to them, mingling with them or going out of my way to be seen with them. Hmm... maybe it's survival, or it's just pure JT (jilat teloq).

Heard from D'boss that we managed to secure the Talisman project valued at Rm700 mil. Basically we're on fire man. When I say we, I mean the Division. I'm not involve what so ever in securing this contract. I wanted to be in the team. But unfortunately none of the other high flyers wanted this "perabis beras" guy to be in. I've tried to let them know, hinting to them, looking interested during the conversation at the smokers corner, but nobody want to let me be involved. After much deliberating, I've decided that I'll stick to doing what I'm doing right now and hopefully getting to head the HR div with the new structure ARA is proposing. We'll see....CIAO.

Monday, May 22, 2006

New Car in The Porch

Bought myself a new car last week. Naza Ria GS. Driving this monster for the first time is just like driving a bas sekolah. I need to get myself familiar with the humongus size of this MPV. Donno how my wifey will be able to drive. Maybe she too need some lessons before she can start driving in town. Just like it's namesake, this monster gurgled down gas like a monster as well. After filling in the tank for Rm150, after only 200km running, already half tank gone. No wonder many friends try to discourage me from getting this car. But after weighing in all the factors (mainly Rm factor & the fact that we still have our CLK), I've decided to purchase this one. See lah how.

Went to HMJ house last Thursday. He showed me his so call Plasma TV (which actually is a small LCD TV) and his so call plush gate & garden. Yeah, the gate and the garden is outstanding alright (with wrought iron and all) but it's not that extravagant. Any 5 figure salary guy can afford this. With the fact that he has a Rm70K credit card debt, I think it's not that fancy.

After talking to HMJ and trying to figure out why DAZ is doing all this, we've both come to a conclusion that this is more personal than professional. Saying personal, I meant really personal. This involve woman type of personal. I don't want to go there as this is really... I mean reaaaally personal to DAZ. So my friend, I wish you all the best and may god bless you. Ciao.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

A Grave Has been Dug..... Part 3

DAZ call me up again this morning. He asked whether I've visited HMJ house and did I see any of the stuff he mentioned. I told him that I 've not visited his house (and becoming one of his hantu?? No way man...) but I've talked to HMJ and I believe what HMJ has told me. It seems that DAZ has already made up his mind about HMJ and is determined to kick him out from SD. So what to do....? My advice to HMJ, better start looking for jobs lor! His days in SD is numbered. Man, what a way to go. After being DAZ blue-eyed boy for so many years, suddenly being push aside by a mere rumours/gossip, wacakaplu....

I also heard that NMZ at CSTAS also was given the boot last week. Heard that he was offered up to Rm100K to go. Well, what I can say is good for him lah. Consider this as early retirement. But what troubled me is that DAZ has already issued decree that he got no place in SD. Hmmm... looks like we cannot depend on DAZ anymore laa now. Better watch our own backside lah from now on. Ciao.

Monday, May 15, 2006

A Grave Has been Dug.... Part 2

During lunch today with D'boss, I've asked him whether he knew anything about HMJ removal from office. He said he know nothing of it as he has yet to meet DAZ since their last meeting 3 weeks ago. I briefed him a on the issue. He said SMSA has called him and also asked whether he knew anything about this, and asked his opinion on what need to be done. His opinion is that DAZ should not take action this way as it's not fair to HMJ. He also think that HMJ has been set-up and somebody has "cucuk" DAZ on this. He also suspect that fat Chinese guy based on personal experience, or somebody who is in the same department or company would want HMJ out from his domain. I've convey HMJ plead to D'boss, hoped that he can do something for him.

I've already submitted my KPI to D'boss. The rating : 4 (Exceed Expectation). Hopefully this year bonus will be good as well. We'll see. Ciao

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A Grave Has Been Dug.....

I was shocked when I heard about HMJ 24 hours transfer fiasco recently. So probably I thought that he got a promotion or his expertise were required by NZA urgently. Boy was I wrong! 2 days back, I met DAZ in our office lobby. What came out from his mouth has hit me like a thunderstorm! The story goes like this....

HMJ has been accused of getting kickbacks from the suppliers. This is evidence from his sudden acquire of some household items (new plasma TV, new garden etc), new MPV for his wife (a recond Estima Aeras year 2001), new Rolex for his wife, sponsored overseas trip (to Bali for the whole family), karakoeing and an affair with a GRO. OMFG!! And this came from DAZ mouth himself. I was dumbfounded. I couldn't believe it. He says that HMJ has betrayed him by adopting the Hyundai culture of getting kickbacks. He says that he has got some evidence after asking NZA to investigate and he's now directing IMA to go in an formally investigate. If they find any evidence and it concur to what he's been hearing, HMJ career with SDB is as good as gone.

So I contacted HMJ and yesterday we met for lunch at KLGCC. He denied everything and has an answer to all the allegation. Frankly, I believe him. I think somebody has "cucuk" DAZ about this and DAZ has made up his mind without proper investigation. Problem is that DAZ doesn't want to meet HMJ and he doesn't know what to do now. I pity him laa, and as a friend that is why I've decided to tell him what's going on and the reason why he was being transfered 24 hrs and his former office sealed!

So I was wondering..... if this could happen to HMJ, DAZ formely blue eyed boy, it could easily happen to any of us. I think DAZ has changed and his position has changed him. Who in the past has helped him when he's in a fix over his house?? Who has taken his time to fetch DAZ every morning when he fly over from AS? I think DAZ should at least hear him out, then decide whether he's guilty or not. Not to listen to some fat Chinese who has known to snake his way around. Somebody should tell him this. Not me, I've done my part. Now is up to HMJ other so call friend. Ciao.

Note : Norizan in AS was asked to resign and waa given 2 month to pack his belongings and leave. DAZ has issued directive to HIAH not to accept Norizan in any SDB group of companies.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Welcome to the world, JJ

A lot has happened since my last blog. A new guy has entered our family. He will be called Joaquin Jaffery ("Joaquin" is a spanish word mean "One who is prepared"). Well I sure hope that he is prepared to face this world. He slides in at around 10.44 am on Sunday 30 April 2006 at SJMC facilitated by Dr.Haris, a midwife and a nursing aid. So far so good, a very good boy who will only make noise when his grandmother or his nanny try to get his nappy changed.

Had breakfast with Hamdan yesterday. Heard that Salina has tendered her resignation and HIAH (with the blessing of DAZ of course) has something to do with it. During lunch with D'boss yesterday, I asked him whether they planned to put her under E&U, but D'boss says he know nothing of this. So I guess, she'll go under NZA then. Hamdan last day will be end of this month but he's thinking of leaving earlier. Cannot tahan already at CST. Damn you Germans.

Heard also TohMF who tendered his resignation last week has retract back his letter. Just like I suspected, Wayang Only laa. So with Toh still around, D'boss will find it a bit easy to get in BinAS to look after China. Those Germans will not know what hit them man. Malay Rules!!!