Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Where is the fountain??

Went back home yesterday evening hoping to see our new fountain under the porch. Bloody hell, there was none! Mana ni... deposit sudah bayar, air tarak sampai amacam? Wifey said she called them yesterday and they said they'll come and install today. Aiyoo..itu macam pun ada ka? Anyhow, let's see whether it's there or not today.

Bonus already in today. First thing I did was transfer 3K to wifey. This is part of her monthly allowances. Need to transfer another 1.5K soon. Also tomorrow hope to open up MSL account at Maybank Taipan. Then need to transfer about 15K in that account. Hopefully the job that we're doing at the moment ada untung sikit. This is part and parcel of learning the trade. Will have to be more involve in the day-to-day running of the business. Aah.. that remind me I still need to pay Lee another RM1,700. Before raya lah..

Ciao... :P

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Happy B'day

Today is my birthday. Since it's Ramadhan, so no celebration with friends. Wifey bought me a nice ice cream cake but since I'm diabetic, so only one slice je. The rest anak-anak solosaikan. Tomorrow the fountain that we ordered will arrive. Hopefully it'll be very nice at it's place. Last Sunday, nazri and his machai came to extend the power outlet under the porch, install the door bell and install the retractable laundry line at the back. Not yet paid. Donno how much. Will try to post a few pics of the fountain tomorrow.


Monday, September 24, 2007

Welcome Back Man.

Hi.. guess what? I'm back on this blog. After laying off for the past 1 year, suddenly I've got the urge to come back blogging in this site. The last time I stop, a lot of things has happened to me and to the group. For a start, I've move from E&UD to Group TQM here at the head office. Eventhough it's not official yat, I'm already in the office supposedly doing some work. But what more work can you do when it's puasa time and I've got 3 capable men helming the fort.

But let me tell you, actually I don't like coming here. I donno, somehow I feel that everybody is waiting to pounce on you once you screw up. It's like a powder keg up here. You have this Columbian chick who thought that she's the 2nd boss and d'boss who thought that he's the bantal busuk to the GCE. So my view on all this....screw everybody. I'll try to survive this madness until I cannot tahan. Then I'll make my move.

Till then, ciao bro.